Red Bull Flying Bach Conquers All During Denver Stint.

Flying Bach in Finland © Aleksi Koskinen/Red Bull Content Pool

What happens when you mix the classical overtures of Johannes Sebastian Bach's "Well Tempered Cavier," and the dance elements of breakdancing? Well if you were at The Buell Theatre this past weekend you witnessed the touring Red Bull Flying Bach performance that had many turning their heads as fast at the headpins performed by the Flying Steps dance troupe. Members carefully orchestrated dance routines that were accompanied by live performances of some of Bach's most famous musical masterpieces. Head spins, backflips, backspins, popping and locking, and pirouettes all moved in synchronicity with a theatrical element played out with each member dancing out true to life emotions such as love, heartbreak, anger and a hint of comedic laughter. 

With a visual element backdrop highlighted by a square dance canvas, it felt as if you were witnessing a live painting . The harrowing haunting chords of Toccata and Fugue in D minor by Bach gave us nothing but chills as the performance diminished showcasing each dance members array of signature moves. A truly breathtaking performance that cannot be described in words, Red Bull Flying Bach delivered with flying colors, Denver would seem to agree. The tour continues through the end of January all through the east coast and midwest.

-Robert Castro