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LCD Soundsystem Transformed Red Rocks Into Their Own Playground

This past week LCD Soundsystem took a break from their festival circuit to play two shows at the majestic Red Rocks. Since it was announced (we dropped the initial news a few months ago) this has garnered enough steam to proclaim it the show of the summer. The band has received a cult like following since its inception in 2002.  A phenomenal feat considering you can count on one hand how many albums the band has released. This following has contributed to the band making a slew of tracks that have had the dance rock scene explode. A brief hiatus in 2011 saw the band play a sold out farewell show at Madison Square Garden only to be met with critical viewpoints when they announced they would get back together earlier this year to play a few festival shows. So much attention was brought to the reunion that Murphy himself penned a letter which van be read here. We had a chance to witness the second of back to back nights and like many in the crowd, we were left wanting more. Luckily a new album has been rumored to drop later this year.

One thing about LCD Soundsystem's catalog of music is that it is safe to say that each track will want to make you dance. The band got things started with opener "US vs Them", then right into their most famous song "Daft Punk is Playing at My House". Looking above the beautiful venue it was nothing but pure happiness as couples danced and sang each and every song. Jeff Murphy was the ringleader of the circus and made sure everybody was having a good time, backed by an impressive who's who of musicians Murphy was flanked by long time original members Nancy Wang on vocals and synths as well as Pat Mahoney behind the drums. Mahoney played double duty as his side project band Museum of Love opened up the show. With their customary array of electro rock it was only fitting that we witnessed a 15 minute torrential downpour right before the band started, many of the fans echoing that it was a moment to "Dance Yrslf Clean"

Drummer Pat Mahoney of LCD had to pull double duty. (Photo Credit: Robert Castro)

Nancy Wang laying into vocals and synths. (Photo Credit: Robert Castro)

The band had support from aforementioned Museum of Love as well as post-punk revivalist Savages. If you haven't seen Savage live, please make sure you do. An energetic set that was the perfect precursor to the nights main event. As LCD ripped through their catalog they even brought out Savages singer Camille Berthomier to fill in on "45.33 Part Four" (which by the way makes one of the best Nike Playlist for workouts). The band ended with customary "New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down", right before breaking for a brief encore followed up by "Time To Get Away", "Dance Yrself Clean" and an epic ending of "All My Friends". It was a night full of magic that many in the crowd proclaimed it as one of the (if not) best shows they have ever seen at the venue. A pretty bold statement, which we would have to agree with.

Check Out More Photos From LCD Soundsystem at Red Rocks Here