STRFKR, an indie-electro pop band from Portland, Oregon came through Denver this last weekend and pumped up the crowd as always. Reminiscent of their performance at Project Pabst last year, the band was high energy, in fun costumes, and obviously ready to put on a show. The same was true for Saturday’s show.

My favorite thing about this band is their overall message, and it is everything  anti. Their lyrics are kind of morbid, with this whole end of the world feel, paired with upbeat, pop music that simply makes you want to dance.  The whole name started as a joke with past member Sam Norris, being shoretened over the years to represent the band best.  Front man Josh Hodges, said he heard someone say they were a “starfucker” and it made him question the people he was around and all the things he really didn’t want to be involved in. The name carried through to represent the bands “removal from the rat race” that is prevalent in the music industry. Including many snippets from philosopher Alan Watts, STRFKR uses many of his lectures as content for their songs, considering the ideology is very similar, which is super tight in my opinion. Kudos to any artist who makes that kind of effort to find supporting content on their beliefs, to be included in their music.

 Lead singer, and multi-instrumentalist Josh Hodges, kept things interesting and against the standard grain with women’s clothing, a pink wig, rainbow suspenders, and sunnies I was envious of. Backup dancers and entertainers dressed in spacesuits, kept the audience entertained in moments of “dullness”, although I would say that these were few and far between.  And would it be a STRFKR show without blow up pool toys travelling through the crowd with the occasional white girl on it? The visuals were electric and vibrant and showcased the vibe of STRFKR perfectly, and make us curious what their journey of artistry looks like from here. Hopefully weirder and more anti-establishment, eh?

Words: Lina Skrzypczak Photos: Michael Hecker

Chelsea Wolfe At The Gothic, How Fitting.

Gothic, neo-folk Queen, Chelsea Wolfe sold out the Bluebird and got moved to the Gothic this Halloweekend, and what a pleasure it was!

Photo by Jess L. Paul

Photo by Jess L. Paul

Youth Code, opener and duo from Los Angeles was an important addition to this bill, and not only because of the female front person. The group has been described as industrial music with hardcore angst, and they are on the forefront of genre EBM. EBM stands for electronic body music, which is simply a mix of the industrial and electronic genres. The group had an electric energy, and started off the show with an angsty bang.

The ambience was eerie enough for the spirit of the season, but so beautiful it could evoke tears out of those of us emo enough. Industrial, electronic, folky, and gothic, Chelsea Wolfe’s music is hard to define, and I take it she likes it that way as her albums showcase an ever changing style. With lyrics that are obviously very personal, but still somehow manage to speak to her fans, she manages to evoke her experienced emotions out of her crowd. “16 Psyche”, “Vex”, and “Carrion Flowers” were all awesome, although I can’t be the only one who wishes more of her older work had been incorporated into the set.

Local photographer Jess L. Paul said, “My highlight was definitely when Sara Taylor from Youth Code came out and did Aaron Turner’s parts for the song “Vex”. It was killer to see that song live and to see the interaction between Wolfe and Taylor.”

Chelsea Wolfe and Sara Taylor from Youth Code perform "Vex". Photo by Jess L. Paul

Chelsea Wolfe and Sara Taylor from Youth Code perform "Vex". Photo by Jess L. Paul

Hiss Spun, the album Wolfe is currently promoting on tour came out this September and showcases her beautiful voice, along with the talents of Troy Van Leeuwen (guitarist from Queens Of The Stone Age), and long-time collaborator/floating band member, Ben Chisholm. I can’t wait until this songstress seduces us once more with her melodically mashed sludge metal.

Try saying that five times fast. hehe