Foster the People: Torches Tour at the Bluebird: Review

Foster the people swept Denver on Thursday evening with an acoustic in-store performance at Twist and Shout, full show at the Bluebird, and an after party DJ set at the Larimer Lounge. Ultra was fortunate to be at two of the three events. Though we missed the DJ set (5am is an early next-day wakeup call; sometimes you have to make sacrifices!), we hear the after party was a fabulous time! 

Girls falling in love with Mark Foster during 'I Would Do Anything For You'
As the opening notes to 'Pumped up Kicks' struck the ears of listeners, the reaction was wild. All five guys of Foster the People grinned uncontrollably through the last chorus which was audible without the band's vocalists singing a note; the combination of voices from the crowd carried the chorus as the band soaked it in.  Foster the People left the stage to the crowd chanting "Encore" and "Foster," coming back moments later for their two-song encore. You can't help but dance to the percussion and synth heavy sounds of Foster the People. Their live performance is like a heavy dose of an addictive drug; I can't wait to get more. For now, listening to their album "Torches" (available on iTunes and Amazon) on repeat will have to do. 
Pure excitement and passion seeps from the pores of every member of Foster the People