Angus & Julia Stone: Not your average singer-songwriter duo

Angus & Julia Stone at Englewood's Gothic Theater (Photo Cred: Meesh Deyden)

You probably know this Aussie sibling duo from tracks like "Big Jet Plane" or "Mango Tree," but have you listened to their new album yet? Benefitting from legendary producer Ruck Rubin's guidance, their fourth studio album, Snow, released in mid September, shines prismatic with upbeat tracks like "Who Do You Think You Are" and "Chateau." A departure from their pearly, minimalist solo endeavors over the past few years, Snow showcases what magic can happen when you let go and try something new. 

Oh, and their show at the Gothic? A surprising kaleidoscope of headboppin not-just-your-00s-acoustic emphemera, dutifully attended by the Mile High's highest concentration of publicly affectionate couples I've seen in years. Though you could hear my phone drop during opener Luke Sital Singh's penultimate track-- sorry, guys-- I was pleasantly surprised by how not bored I was for a singer-songwriter show. 

Angus Stone (Photo Cred: Meesh Deyden)

So, if you're like me and try to avoid the depressive sonic sop that can muck an already hellish 2017, don't fear the latest tunes from our siblings from down undah. Add "Cellar Door" to the playlist ya listen to when you're trying not to fall on your ass walking your dog around Wash Park. And try out their title track "Snow," right when that caffeine starts to hit your weekday morn. 

Words & Images by Meesh Deyden


The desert is calling us back. Today marks the beginning of festival season to me, as the Coachella lineup was officially announced this afternoon. Every year, this day is what gives fans permission to finally start daydreaming and planning for the return of outdoor festivals, palm trees, and summertime once again...and after these past two weeks of ice, slush and snow? I couldn't be more ready. I haven't seen a lineup this eclectic from Coachella for a few years, and it's got me pretty excited.

What name did you scream out loud as you read it off the list? What names can you not believe aren't there? Share with us in the comments section below, and we can all start daydreaming together. 

Tickets for the festival become available tomorrow (1/7/15) at 12pm PST/1pm MST, and as usual, they will go fast. Don't sit on this and wait, friends! Coachella is one of those things that you've got to experience at least once. Grab your flower headband, your swim trunks, and your earplugs, and brace yourselves.

The desert is calling, are you ready? 
