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Music | Riot Fest Denver 3.0 - the "Riot Fest Rodeo"

Riot Fest Denver seems to be going through yet another identity crisis. Our beloved transplant Chicago festival is trading in it's Doc Martins and guyliner for stirrups and one of the pink cowboy hats we've seen The Replacements rock. This year's aptly titled "Riot Fest Rodeo" is trying out yet another Denver venue - The National Western Sports Complex, and it's safe to say they've grabbed our attention. With posters reminiscent of the ancient Arby's signs smattered across the west side of town and the promise of "rustling up some bands for this rodeo", it seems that Riot Fest has finally embraced it's Colorado side - but is it too much for it's fans?

What do you think? Too country for punk rock? Or will Riot Fest 3.0 finally be the festival that Riot Mike and Soda Jerk have envisioned for this city since it's start in 2013? 

This hoedown is taking place August 28-30th at The National Western Complex. Early bird tickets go onsale this Friday, April 24th at 12:00pm MST. 

....but hey, at least we'll all finally get to wear our Country Rose finest out in public. Yeeeee-haaaawwww!!!!!