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The Cave Singers | The Bluebird | May 10 | Review

The night started off pretty mellow, when we entered The Bluebird at around 9pm, not many people had arrived. I took one sip of my beer and the entire venue was packed. I don't think Blue Rider or The Cave Singers were expecting such a turnout, or such a happy and playful crowd. From each band member to every member of the audience everyone was smiling, dancing, and a little love drunk. 

Blue Rider opened for The Cave Singers and definitely fulfilled my void for facial hair. Their lead guitarist doubled as Paul Bunion and knew how to rock a blues guitar solo. Their keyboardist and lead singer's energy was contagious, willing the crowds to get up and move their bodies around.Together the band's chemistry was undeniable and you could tell they were just happy to play their instruments and rock their glorious facial hair. Is folk/funk/blues/mustaches a genre? Because if it isn't I'm deeming them creators. Denver bred, I'm sure they will be playing quite a few shows this summer, so be on the lookout Denver. 

With the stage primed and ready, The Cave Singers took over. As an indie, folk band from Seattle, WA they were no stranger to the alarming amounts of flannel and PBR being consumed within the crowd. Lead singer, Pete Quirk was charismatic and engaging with his voice completely unique to it's tone. Raspy, folky, and longing he serenaded us with his originality. With their bassist and flautist, Morgan Henderson being a newer addition to the band, he fit in well, silently smiling and jigging in the corner. I wasn't sure if I wanted to scare him to see him make some type of emotion, or beg him to be my best friend. After their last song, the crowd started stomping, "We Will Rock You" style, demanding an encore. With the walls of the Bluebird vibrating with pent up angst and excitement, The Cave Singers reemerged for two more songs. Definitely one of the better shows I've seen this Spring. If you haven't had a chance to check them out, I would recommend doing so now. Their new album Naomi, is currently available on iTunes and Spotify. 

-McClain Morris